Access Wayfinder

Westfield, New Jersey
+1(908) 873-4555
  • Accessibility

    Access Wayfinder

    Krishav Singla, Ethan Lung, Sarah Maher

    Let's See
  • Find Useable Spaces

    Access Wayfinder

    ADA Guidelines

  • Easy to use

    Access Wayfinder

    IOS App Store & Google Play Store

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Access Wayfinder Map

  • Restaurants: Blue
  • Fashion: Red
  • Beauty: Green
  • Grocery: Purple
  • Health Services: Yellow
  • Banking: Black
  • Church: Brown
  • Other: Gray


Follow us - Instagram: MissionInclusionNJ

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Our Team

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Our Story

Access Wayfinder

Mission Inclusion is a nonprofit that was formed out of a need for accessibility in the older buildings of Westfield.

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Amazing app, helped a lot with accessibility through the area.

Patel Vir

Why Choose Us

Our Strength

  • Dedicated Team

    We have a strong team willing to make the world a more accessible place. We have put a combined total of around 500 hours into this project.

  • Passionate Innovation

    We are driven by a relentless passion for innovation. Our team is committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible

  • Customer-Centric Approach

    Your satisfaction is our compass. We listen intently to your needs, understanding that your success is our success.

  • Continuous Improvement

    Change is the only constant, and we thrive on it. Our adaptability is your advantage.

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